Rules of purchase and sale of products in the online shop
1.1. The rules of purchase and sale of products (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), after they are approved by the Purchaser (after getting acquainted with the Rules and ticking the box next to the statement ‘I agree with the terms and conditions of purchase’) is a binding legal document that establishes the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, the terms and conditions of purchase of products and payment for said products, the procedure of product delivery and return, the liabilities of the parties and other provisions related to the purchase and sale of products in the shop.
1.2. The Seller shall reserve the right to change, amend, or supplement the Rules.
1.3. The right to shop in the shop shall be reserved for natural persons with legal capacity and no less than 18 years old in age as well as legal persons.
Personal data protection
2.1. have the right to collect, store, and process personal data that the Purchaser submitted during the purchase on, and, if needed, to disclose them to third persons when it is necessary for the fulfilment of an order, data processing, or planning and analysis of activities. Data on Purchasers and visitors of the online shop shall be protected against loss, unauthorised use, and alteration. Data carriers shall be fully protected against access by third persons.
Entry of force of the Purchase and Sale Agreement
3.1. The Agreement between the Purchaser and Seller shall be deemed concluded from the moment when the Purchaser, having selected an item(s) they want to buy and compiled their shopping cart, clicks the link ‘Purchase’.
3.2. not be obliged to separately notify the Purchase of its consent to conclude an agreement. It shall be deemed that the order upon the moment when it starts executing it.
The Purchaser’s rights
4.1. The Purchaser shall have the right to purchase products in the shop in accordance with the procedure set forth by the Rules and the online shop.
The Purchaser’s obligations
5.1. The Purchaser must accept the products in accordance with the Rules and pay for them the agreed sum. 5.2. Should the data provided on the Purchaser’s registration form change, they must update it immediately. 5.3. The Purchaser hereby undertakes an obligation not to transfer their login data to third persons. Should the Purchaser lose their login data, they must immediately notify the Seller thereof using means of communication indicated under the Contacts section.
5.4. When using the online shop, the Purchaser hereby undertakes an obligation to comply with the Rules and not to breach the legislation of the United Kingdom.
5.5. If the Purchaser refuses to accept the products during the product delivery with no valid reasons, the Purchaser must cover the product delivery costs.
The Seller’s rights
6.1. Should the Purchaser try to undermine the stability and safety of the online shop or breach their obligations, the Seller shall have the right to immediately and without notice restrict or suspend their access to the online shop or, in exceptional cases, cancel the Purchaser’s registration.
6.2. In the event of significant circumstances, the Seller may suspend or terminate the online shop’s activities without a prior notice to the Purchaser.
6.3. The Seller shall have the right, without a prior notice to the Purchaser, to cancel their order if the Purchaser, having chosen the ‘Pick-up at Store’ delivery method, fails to accept (and/or pay) within 5 (five) working days. 6.4. have the right to withdraw from the concluded Purchase and Sale Agreement in the case of running out of stocks of the products covered by the Agreement or the Agreement having been concluded by a person that was not entitled to conclude the Agreement under these Rules.
The Seller’s obligations
7.1. The Seller hereby undertakes an obligation to enable the Purchaser to use the services provided by the online shop under the terms and conditions set forth by these Rules and in the online shop.
7.2. The Seller hereby undertakes an obligation to deliver the products ordered by the Purchaser to the address specified by them under the terms and conditions set forth by these Rules.
7.3. In the case of not being able to deliver the ordered products to the Purchaser due to significant circumstances, the Seller hereby undertakes an obligation to offer an analogous product or the product most similar to it in terms of its characteristics. Should the Purchaser refuse to accept the analogous or maximally similar product, the Seller hereby undertakes an obligation to return the Purchaser the paid money within 3 (three) working days provided that a prepayment has been made.
7.4. The Seller hereby undertakes an obligation to respect the Purchaser’s privacy right to the personal information that they own indicated in the online shop’s registration form, except for the cases provided for in the legislation of the United Kingdom.
Return of products
If you wish to return products purchased online, please call us or e-mail us at
Terms and conditions of return
You can return damaged product purchased online within 14 days of the receipt of the order and recover the paid money. To get the money back, you must send us an product in its original package by mail within 14 working days. The money will be transferred to your bank account or sent by mail (a 14-day product return guarantee shall apply to all unused products bought by means of distance selling).
Product prices, payment procedure and terms
8.1. Product prices in the online shop and the compiled order shall be indicated in GB, VAT
included. reserve the right to change the product prices in the event of changes to the tax rates.
8.2. The Purchaser shall settle for the products in one of the following ways:
8.2.1. E-banking payment – it’s a prepayment where the Buyer settles payments through electronic banking via the Paysera electronic payment platform.
8.2.2. Cash payment during the product collection at the, address: 34 snowdrop grove.Pe389gs.Downham Market.Norfolk.United Kingdom.
Product delivery
9.1. Products shall be delivered by the Seller or its authorised representative.
9.2. The Seller hereby undertakes an obligation to deliver the products to the Purchaser within 1 to 3 working days. This term shall not apply in the cases where the required goods are not available at the Seller’s warehouse or the goods are pre-sold. The Purchaser hereby also agrees that in exceptional cases, product delivery may run late due to Force Majeure circumstances.
9.3. When ordering products, the Purchaser hereby undertakes an obligation to specify the exact location of product delivery.
9.4. The Purchaser hereby undertakes an obligation to accept the products themselves. In the case where they are not able to collect the products themselves, and the products are delivered to the indicated address and based on other data submitted by the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall not be entitled to have any claims against the Seller for delivery of the products to a wrong subject.
9.5. During the product delivery, the Purchaser must inspect the condition of the shipment together with the Seller or its authorised representative. The shipment shall be deemed to have been delivered in a satisfactory condition upon signature of the invoice (bill of lading) or other delivery and acceptance document of the shipment by the Purchaser.
9.6. Product delivery fee and more detailed information:
9.6.1. All orders are free product delivery in United Kingdom shall apply.
9.6.2. No international delivery.
9.6.3. Free collection on site, address: Clova Road, LONDON E79AF, United Kingdom.
9.6.5. If you do not receive the shipment on the day specified, please contact us by phone or e-mail us.
9.7. In the case where the Purchaser, based on these Rules, withdraws from the Purchase and Sale Agreement, they shall bear the obligation to reimburse all direct product return expenses for the Seller. The amount of said Seller’s expenses shall be deducted from the money paid for the products refundable to the Purchaser.
9.8. In the case of absence of the possibility to deliver the products in one
shipment, be entitled to deliver the products in several shipments.
9.9. The ordered products may be collected free of charge at the office: Clova Road, E79AF LONDON, United Kingdom.
9.10. In any event, the Seller shall be released from liability for a breach of the terms and conditions of product delivery in the case where the products are failed to be delivered to the Purchaser or failed to be delivered on time due to the Purchaser’s fault or circumstances dependent on the Purchaser.
Product quality guarantee and expiry date
10.1. General characteristics of each item sold on indicated in the product description placed next to the item.
10.2. The Seller shall not be liable for the discrepancies between the colour, shape, or other parameters of the product in the online shop to the factual size, shapes, or colour of the products that were caused by the characteristics of the Purchaser’s display.
10.3. In the case where the Seller does not apply a quality guarantee to certain types of products, the guarantee provided for in the relevant legislation shall apply.
10.4. The Seller hereby undertakes an obligation to sell the products to the Purchaser in such a way as to ensure a realistic possibility to use the products until the expiry date. In case of particularly short guarantee terms, such items are marked in the online shop with a special warning sign.
10.5. Products with a manufacturing flaw may be returned but only under the condition that the Purchaser returns such item to the Seller within 3 working days. In the case of the Seller admitting that the product has a manufacturing flaw, the item may be changed into the same or analogous product.
11.1. The Purchaser shall be fully liable for the correctness of the data provided in the registration form. If the Purchaser fails to provide accurate data in the registration form, the Seller shall not be liable for any resulting consequences. By filling in a registration form in the shop, the Purchaser shall confirm that they assume all possible losses related to rebuttal of such fact and consequences arising from it.
11.2. The Purchaser shall be liable for actions carried out via the online shop.
11.3. The Purchaser shall be liable for transfer of their login data to third persons. In the case
of used by a third person who have logged onto the internet shop using the Purchaser’s login data, the Seller shall view such person as the Purchaser.
11.4. The Seller shall be released from any liability in the cases where losses arise due to the fact that the Purchaser, not taking into consideration the Seller’s recommendations and their obligations, did not get acquainted with these Rules, even though they were provided with such possibility.
11.5 Should the Seller’s online shop include any links to websites of other companies, institutions, organisations, or persons, the Seller shall not be liable for the information contained or activities carried out therein, it does not supervise or control these websites and does not represent said companies or persons. 11.6. In the event of damage, the guilty party shall compensate the other party for the direct losses incurred.
Information exchange
12.1. The Seller shall send all notifications to the e-mail address indicated in the Purchaser’s registration form.
12.2. The Purchaser shall send all notifications or questions using the means of communication indicated under the Contacts section of the Seller’s online shop.
Final Provisions
13.1. Relationships established based on these Rules shall be governed by the law of the United Kingdom
13.2. All disagreements arising in relation to default of these Rules shall be settled through negotiation. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disputes shall be settled in accordance with the procedure set forth by the legislation of the United Kindom.The Rules updated on 16th May 2023.